Sunday, May 5, 2013

Special Tactics

Most people know about the Special Operations units of the US Army, US Navy and the US Marines.  They are easy, Delta Force, Rangers SEALS, etc.  Not many people know about the US Air Force's Special Operations Special Tactics Pararescue - PJs.  There are two elements of the Pararescue career field,  rescue and special tactics.

"Rescue" is the path that the movie 9 Line covers.  It depicts what the PJs accomplish on a day to day basis in both the civilian stateside sector and also within the war zone, Afghanistan.  The National Geographic Channel "Nat Geo" aired a fabulous mini-series documentary this past winter depicting the "rescue" side, entitled "Inside Combat Rescue".  It can be watched on YouTube at: (note: each episode has it's own url):

The other part of Pararescue is the unseen Special Tactics.  Shhhhhhhh   The Special Tactics side of Pararescue is not spoken of very much, they are the unseen men embedded with the Navy SEALS, Delta Force and the Army Rangers.  They provide the medical assistance that these teams require in certain missions that they accomplish.  Pararescuemen are the only Medical Personnel that are fully trained in all aspects of the Special Operations field and Combat.  They train directly with the SEALS, Delta Force and the Rangers.  Practically every high profile mission that has been accomplished, and then fed to the media had a PJ with them.  Such missions include the rescue of Jessica Lynch, the 1st individual she saw was a PJ, the mission in Somalia known to the public as "Black Hawk Down" it was a PJ that was the medic working on the wounded (the operation on the leg, who can forget?!), and also, among SEAL Team 6...and when they were shot down, yes we lost a PJ.   They are never spoken of, and within the movies they are never displayed and are usually just shown as an Army Medic.  They ask for no glory, no fame, they don't boast of what they do.  None of that matters to the PJs, they do it "That Others May Live"


  1. Dawn Hodson's screenplay 9 LINE puts a face on the heroic and unique USAF Pararescuers (PJs). Her story reflects the thoroughness of their training beyond all other special forces and the invaluable service they render. Let the world know you want 9 LINE produced now!
    Eric Canton

  2. We lost two PJs and on combat controller in the SEAL 6/MH-47 shoot down. There were many more PJs in Somalia than just Wilkie, he did great things of course and received the AF Cross. Scotty received a purple heart and silver star, Mark received the purple heart also. CCT there too. More info at and I'd be glad to help! v/r, TE.

    1. Thank you for your info! I'm always welcome to help if you would like to share something!
      I heard about SEAL 6/MH-47 fairly quickly. Devastating! Went to Pope to help out some friends through it. There are so many PJs that go unheard of it's a shame that they don't get the recognition that they truly deserve! Love the community of men and their families and am honored to be welcomed into it.

  3. As a long-time combat controller I lived CCT history from 1958, on-ward and have been continuously involved in the day-to-day operations since my retirement in 1977. I was intimately involved with CCT, PJ and AFSOC operations long before there was an AFSOC.

    The following documents the career fields from around the time of the DESERT RESCUE Operation. What is missing is CCT and PJ operations from 1954 up-until DESERT ONE. The earlier history is document in several books, but the following is a great video that depicts today's brave Air Force Warriors. Note also, the Combat Weather and Tactical Air Control-Party (TAC-Ps) have added to AFSOC's newest Special Operations Wing.



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